Today was the 2nd and last day of the mini-class on the “Theology of House Churches,” with some surprising new insights from the life of Jesus. Thorsten Moritz (New Testament prof from Bethel) taught the course. One of his main themes was that following Jesus has more to do with BEING the church than GOING to church. Jesus spent most of his time living out what he taught rather than teaching it--in a formal way, at least. The 12 disciples who followed Jesus did the same and lived this lifestyle as well. So being a Christian has to do with who you are at any given moment of the day and how you’re living the New Life that you’ve been given by God through Jesus. But too often we’ve reduced the Christian faith to whether we “go” to church on a given Sunday, and if so, "where," rather than focus on living it out 24/7.
So here’s a question I’m thinking about… what holds more potential for life-transformation: going to church on Sunday each week for about an hour or so, or adopting a new lifestyle (following Jesus) that operates 24/7 in your life? (By the way, I’m not suggesting that they’re mutually exclusive, since both are important. Just—which holds the greatest potential for life transformation?)
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