If you look carefully at this picture, you'll notice the back end of an airplane sitting in the backyard of this flood-house in New Orleans.
Yeah... it's real alright. We could hardly believe what we were seeing. But as I'm learning... that's more the norm than the exception down here.
Everyone's home is a disaster site. Over half of the city of New Orleans was flooded. Tiny homes that should have been condemned years ago. Elegant homes with swimming pools in their backyards. Brick homes. Wood homes. Stucco homes. And middle class homes.
It's been 2 and 1/2 years since The Storm. There are new trash piles on the sidewalks here and there, evidence of people who are just beginning the re-building process inside their home. They're the exception. Most haven't started yet. Some have moved far away. They're never coming back. The trama has been too much to handle. Some are still trying to get money to rebuild--from insurance companies, the government, and FEMA. Others are rebuilding, one weekend at a time.
I ran into "Mike" on Sunday as we were walking the street. His home is near the 17th street canal, where the pressure finally broke through and swept several homes off their foundations and piled them up like toy houses against one another. We saw the pictures on TV in the first days of The Storm. It was famous "levy break," next to the huge pumps that failed after the power grid shut down. As luck would have it, his house was to "the side" of the break, and only slowly filled up with water as the area flooded. He's been working on his home now for eight months. The end is getting close. He'd like to lay off a little and take a break. He's getting too old for this. But his wife keeps coming to check on him, and if he hasn't made enough progress, she gets after him. He'd rather keep her happy, so he works constantly. The master bathroom is next. Then he and his wife can move back in.
That would normally be a happy ocassion. And it is. But there's a down side. Most of their neighbors will not have returned yet. So, they'll be living in their newly rebuilt home, but have few if any neighbors.
That's what Bruce and Heidi have experienced too since they've moved back into their house in Chalmette. We met them--along with their 14 year-old son, James--over dinner at their church on Sunday, after attending the 10:30 service. Heidi guessed that maybe 1/3 of her neighbors have returned. The other 2/3 are either living elsewhere, waiting to see.... Or, have moved away for good. Or are in the process of getting loans and money to rebuild. Before The Storm Heidi said that all of her extended family lived within five minutes of each other. Now, the closest one lives an hour away. Another lives in Texas. It's just not the same. But they're back here because... well, this is home. "Home" is a tough thing to shake off. It's more heart than head. Which helps explain why on earth people would insist on moving back to a city that lies below sea level and is a sitting duck for something of similar magnitude.
I sat across from Althea too. She's in her late 70's. A tough, proud lady. We talked about the city, the Mayor, the government response, racism, the culture of The South. Althea was born in the 1920's and so segregation was just "the way it was." Something she grew up with. She didn't know any different. She said she respected black people, but they were not equal to whites. Now, things have changed. For the better, she says. She knows in her heart that slavery and racism isn't right, but it's so ingrained it's hard to change even when you want to. She believes that two more generations will have to die off before the old racist-ways die out. She already sees a much different attitude in her grandchildren. "They don't even see color," she said.
We worked on Mrs. Lachlin's home today--our first day of work. She had hired a contractor to do some rebuilding of her home four weeks before The Storm. When The Storm hit, her home was half-torn apart and the water came in from the flood as well as from the rain. Her house now sits totally gutted. Just an empty shell with studs and floors in place. She has the money to rebuild but she needs a construction loan. She can't get one though until the house is closed in so there's no chance for more water damage. Our job will be to close in all the outside open walls, repair the roof, haul away all the debris, and put plywood on the "windows" and doorways.
While we were there, a large white truck pulled up to the next door neighbor's house with a load of windows and a crew to install them. What otherwise was an empty neighborhood, suddenly looked like a construction zone with trucks, workers, lumber, the sounds of hammers pounding and saws screaming. Sort of what you would have expected 2-3 months after The Storm. Here it is 2 and 1/2 years out.
It's a different pace down here. Different culture. Different government. Different attitudes. But people are the same, deep down. They all want clean, safe neighborhoods. A home to live in. They're grateful to the volunteers who keep coming to work on homes in their neighborhood. Because one day they'll come to work on theirs. And in the meantime, they offer us the use of their bathrooms and water, since most homes that are being rebuilt have neither.
You feel good helping out even though it's just one tiny speck in a huge ocean of need. But it will make a difference for Mrs. Lachlin. And right now, that's more than what we could do for her at home in Minnesota. When we leave to go back to our homes, she'll be able to move forward in her life and get one step closer to moving back into her home. What more could you ask for?
1 comment:
It definitely sounds like it's a rewarding experience for you. That's wonderful that the people are so open to talking to you and telling you their stories. I can't believe how in shambles everything is after two years! How awful.
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